Friday, January 27, 2012

I Will Hold On Hope...

So I had been feeling pretty amazing for the past few days. Since Tuesday when I got out of the ICU. I mean not 100% great. I still felt weak and tired but I felt happy to have some answers which were supposedly to do with Nsaids.

So what went wrong? Well here is a pictorial of my day.

Yesterday I attempted to run. I got nowhere but I know it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things.I felt exhausted and lethargic.
I then decided that if I was not going to run I would go get my hair done... I was happy. While there I drank a Sugar Free Rockstar. Not sure if that has anything to do with the events that will unfold as the day goes on... LOVE my hair btw.

I went home and got ready for work after stopping by a friends house. Got dressed, went to Sonny's to get some lunch. I got beef not chicken (another thing I wonder about.) and drove to work.

When I got to work I looked at my arm and saw one hive. I began to freak out a little to my poor co workers who have known what's been going on. Sorry ladies! The hives began to spread... My awesome bosses made me go to the hospital. And my amazing co workers helped cover for me.

By the time I got to the ER which was less than five minutes away my arm and the rest of my body looked like this. This is not a good picture but you get the point. Picture hives all over.

They could not get my breathing regulated so I received an Epi pen and then an Epi drip which I have been on for over 18 hours. They tried to take me off for a minute and the hives immediately came back:(

The worst part is the uncertainty. They have no idea what is causing this now. The Doctor was "funny" enough to say that I remind him of the movie Outbreak lol. He said "Whatever this is, you're the first." And told me to not be alarmed if they came in wearing orange plastic suits. Of course this is not contagious lol. I hope not anyhow.

Actually the worst part is this....

  My ever happy and well behaved but confused children....

I am currently in the ICU now. I am here until they get some answers. The doctors are scared to send me home at this point. Nothing seems to make sense.

I am narrowing down some things but I really can not even begin to imagine for sure what is causing this. 

I was told that I will be seen by three specialist today and hopefully we can get some answers. I thank you for the well wishes and prayers. I can not wait for this to be resolved!!


  1. Maybe your body is telling you to slow down. You are one of the most ambitious people I know. I really don't know how you do it. Do you sleep? Ever? :) take it easy mama. Take care of yourself. It's okay if you don't run for a few days. It will be there when you get yourself better. AND you'll be a more effective runner when you're healthier and recuperated. Easier said than done I know. I really hope you get some answers soon. You're bound to have something good happen. Kara's going to get you. Plus you have lots of friends out in the wide world who are praying and thinking of you. Count me among them. Hang in there!!

  2. Erin, you are in my prayers. I love you so much. Keep the faith. I am believing that the doctors will have answers for you today. I love you.

  3. i love you, my awesome little sister! praying that they find out what is making this craziness happen to you. i told josh, and i am telling you, if you need ANYTHING, i am here for you- always. <3 <3 <3

  4. Hey Erin, we are praying for you, I hope you feel better soon and that they can figure out what is going on ... IN the meantime, i know i am far away, but if you need anything, pls let me know. (((((hugs))))-Lindsay
