Monday, January 23, 2012

My name is Erin. I will be 31 in February. I am a mom of three gorgeous children.


I spent years struggling with my weight. My world revolved around everyone and everything else.

My motivation came after I had a miscarriage back in June. It was painful and I believed it was because I was unhealthy. I had skyrocketed to 236 pounds, now at 4 feet and only 11 inches that is a huge weight to carry around. I got married weighing barely 100 pounds. I was married for eight years but gained most of my weight within the first two with the birth of my first daughter Sage.

I weigh 140 pounds right now. My strength comes from the wonderful people in my life who believe in me.

Heidi Murkoff the author of the amazing What To Expect series has been a huge help for me. She taught me about healthy eating, about working out and gently pushed me with love in the right direction. Her loving Sister In Law even helped me find my way with healthy living advice and motivation!

I am a blogger on the What To Expect site and on I may have chosen the name “Mom E and The Joyful Three” but the truth is that my obesity weighed down more than my body. My self esteem was at an all time low.

The start of my weight loss was rocky but I learned to not give up after small mistakes. That is huge in the world of dieting, one bad day does not mean failure!

I am currently training for a half marathon. I have worked my way up from barely being able to walk a block to running miles upon miles and loving it!

Here is a before shot:
I need a newly updated one but this was me two weeks ago....

Love the facial difference!

I will write more about my progress these past months but this is just a brief introduction to me and who I am:)

I am proposing a thirty day challenge to all who want to join. Simply find Heidi Murkoff on Facebook (find me on Facebook as well) and the Health and Fitness group on her site to join.

The challenge is as follows:

Give up sugar, yes all processed sugars for a month. You will miss them at first but trust me you will not even think twice after awhile.

To walk or do some sort of cardio for at least 20 minutes a day.

And to write daily things you love about yourself. This is huge because it can be hard to love yourself sometimes. We are all worth something, all of us have the potential for great possibilities in our lives. Find your potential and literally run with it!

I hope you join. I appreciate all of the support and love I receive and I hope to be able to help you in your own journey to a healthier you!

I will be posting daily recipes and advice and Heidi is always there to help and spread the love and health too!


  1. You are greatly blessed, deeply loved and highly favored by Jesus Christ. You are a wonderful person, and I am so proud of you. You look great.

  2. Way to go, E! Love the new blog! :)

  3. I love seeing your pics! You always give me hope that I can do this too. Way to go!!
